Convention Rules
We want to ensure everyone has fun

VGM CON Code of Conduct
Updated Monday, March 3, 2025
Policy Statement
By attending Video Games & Music Convention (VGM CON), you agree to accept responsibility for your own conduct and behavior. You are expected to comply with federal, state and local laws, and venue regulations, in addition to the following VGM CON Code of Conduct. VGM CON may make additions or modifications to this Code of Conduct at any time.
Reason for Policy
Every attendee at VGM CON deserves an enjoyable weekend celebrating video games & music, and generally being nerds and geeks. VGM CON is an open and welcoming space for all attendees.
Any person who has purchased or otherwise acquired a badge for VGM CON.
Convention Space
The area(s) within a venue where events associated with VGM CON take place.
Aggressive or threatening behaviors or actions which may include, but are not limited to:
- Making unwelcome and unsolicited comments towards another attendee that cause hurt, fear or shame
- Following, stalking, or unwanted pursuit of another attendee
- Taking photos or video of another attendee without that attendee’s consent
- Touching another attendee without consent
- Any other behavior that causes hurt, fear, or shame
Any situation that may adversely affect an attendee’s experience at VGM CON that warrants reporting to VGM CON staff. Such situations include, but are not limited to:
- Violations or suspected violations of this Code of Conduct
- Physical injuries to any attendee(s)
- Situations that may result in physical injuries to any attendee(s)
- Situations that have resulted in, or may result in, the destruction of the venue’s, VGM CON’s, or any attendee(s)’ property
Behaviors or actions that hinder or otherwise affect the enforcement of a policy or investigation of an incident. Such behaviors or actions may include, but are not limited to:
- Pressuring or encouraging a person to overlook, or to not report, an incident
- Pressuring a person not to participate in an investigation
- Spreading negative rumors about a person involved in an investigation
- Providing false or misleading information about or during an investigation
Invited Participant
Panelists, musicians, vendors, developers, or other guests invited on behalf of VGM CON to participate in convention programming. Invited participants’ opinions and views do not necessarily reflect those of VGM CON.
Remedial Action
A set of corrective, disciplinary, and preventative actions that are warranted by the outcome of an investigation to comply with this Code of Conduct, and to avoid organizational repercussions. Remedial actions may be undertaken by VGM CON staff, hotel staff, or law enforcement officials. Such actions may include, but are not limited to:
- Revoking an attendee’s badge with no refund
- Ejection of an attendee from the venue
- Banning an attendee from future attendance
- Pursuing legal action against an attendee if necessary
Responsible Adult
Someone who is, or has permission from, the parent or legal guardian of a child under 13 years of age who shall be responsible for that child at VGM CON.
Behaviors or actions that intimidate, threaten, coerce, harass, or discriminate against any person for reporting an incident or conducting or participating in an investigation.
The location(s) in which events associated with VGM CON take place.
Any attendee working on behalf of VGM CON, including board members, directors, and volunteers.
Incident Reporting
Reporting an Incident
- Anyone may report an incident to us.
- In-person reports can be directed to any VGM CON staff member.
- Reports can also be made via call or text to 651-50-GAMER (651-504-2637).
- When one of us becomes aware of a incident, we will:
- Inform the appropriate VGM CON or hotel staff.
- Conduct an investigation. This may include referring the incident to law enforcement officials, as warranted or required by federal, state and local laws or regulations and policies of the venue.
- Take timely and appropriate remedial action.
Interference and Retaliation
- Any attempt to interfere with an investigation may be treated as a separate violation of this Code of Conduct, regardless of the outcome of the investigation.
- Any attempt to retaliate against a person involved with an investigation may be treated as a separate violation of this Code of Conduct, regardless of the outcome of the investigation.
The following information expands upon, constrains, or relates to this Code of Conduct. Laws, policies, and regulations at the federal, state, or venue level that relate to this Code of Conduct may change.
Alcohol and Drug Guidelines
Alcohol will be available for purchase from the venue. You should moderate your consumption of alcohol while in the convention space. You may be asked to leave the convention space if you are visibly intoxicated. It is the responsibility of the venue to determine whether you are of legal drinking age. The sale, distribution, purchase, or consumption of illegal drugs or controlled substances within the convention space is prohibited. Vaping and the use of e-cigarettes are prohibited in the venue and must stay outside.
Anti-Harassment Guidelines
We do not tolerate or condone any form of harassment on the basis of a person’s: sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, race, color, religion, national origin, age, political affiliation, military or veteran status, body size, social aptitude, speech impairments, gaming skills and abilities, musical abilities, or anything else deemed inappropriate during the convention.
We do not tolerate or condone physically, mentally, or emotionally abusive behavior on the part of attendees, VGM CON staff, or hotel staff.
Attendee Conflicts
We are not responsible for mediating any interpersonal problems that arise between individual attendees outside of Gamer’s Rhapsody events and programs. Thus, we can take no action to prevent a person from attending the festival unless we can determine that person poses a threat toward the event itself or other Gamer’s Rhapsody programs.
Badge Guidelines
Badges are required for admission into the convention space. You must wear your badge at all times within the convention space. Badges are non-refundable, non-replaceable, and non-shareable with another attendee. Anyone found in possession of a shared badge will be ejected from the convention space.
Child Guidelines
All attendees under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a responsible adult within the convention space.
Clothing/Cosplay Guidelines
In addition to conforming with the Anti-Harassment Guidelines, all attendees must be fully clothed in a manner that represents our Family Friendly Guidelines. Any clothing or cosplay that falsely impersonates a law officer or authority figure is prohibited. We ask that all attendees adhere to the municipal laws on public nudity by completely covering inappropriate areas with opaque material. A notable exception is breastfeeding, which is not a violation of this policy. If found in violation of this policy, a staff member may ask you to either alter your clothing in a way that adheres to our policy or you may be asked to leave the event space.
Family Friendly Guidelines
VGM CON is proud to offer family-friendly programming. All attendees’ language, attire, and behavior should reflect a family-friendly atmosphere.
Flyers and Posters Guidelines
VGM CON will only allow flyers and posters in designated sections of the convention. Before any attendee is allowed to post the sign, it must be approved by Operations. Approved signage will receive a sticker to identify approval. Any signs that aren’t marked will be taken down by VGM CON or Venue Staff.
Photography Guidelines
By attending VGM CON, you give us permission to use your likeness in promotional materials including flyers, websites, social media, videos, and other materials that we create. We expect you to be respectful in taking photographs of other attendees, per our definition of harassment and our anti-harassment guidelines.
Prop & Weapon Guidelines
Cosplay props and weapons must be peace bonded by a VGM CON staff member before you are able to bring it into the convention space. VGM CON does not permit live steel or real firearms within the convention space. We may limit your use of large or disruptive props.
Tip Soliciting Policy
Asking for personal tips during a performance, jam, or other event at VGM CON is strictly prohibited. This includes asking for tips directly from attendees, placing tip jars or other receptacles for tips anywhere, and soliciting tips through social media or other channels during or immediately following the event.